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Performance Characteristics (Continued)
Trigger type selections
edge burst Trigger on the Nth (1 to 65535) edge of a pulse burst. Specify idle time (10 ns to 10 s) for framing
Pattern Trigger when a specified pattern of high, low, and don’t care levels on any combination of analog, digital, or
trigger channels is [entered | exited]. Pattern must have stabilized for a minimum of 2 ns to qualify as a valid
trigger condition
Minimum duration setting: 2 ns (500 MHz, 1 GHz), 4 ns (350 MHz), 6 ns (200 MHz), 10 ns (100 MHz)
Maximum duration setting: 10 s
Range minimum: 10 ns
Or Trigger on any selected edge across multiple analog or digital channels
Video Trigger on all lines or individual lines, odd/even or all fields from composite video, or broadcast standards
Enhanced Video (optional) Trigger on lines and fields of enhanced and HDTV standards (480p/60, 567p/50, 720p/50, 720p/60, 1080p/24,
1080p/25, 1080p/30, 1080p/50, 1080p/60, 1080i/50, 1080i/60)
USB Trigger on start of packet, end of packet, reset complete, enter suspend, or exit suspend. Support USB
low-speed and full-speed
C (optional) Trigger at a start/stop condition or user defined frame with address and/or data values. Also trigger on missing
acknowledge, address with no accq, restart, EEPROM read, and 10-bit write
SPI (optional) Trigger on SPI (Serial Peripherial Interface) data pattern during a specific framing period. Supports positive
and negative Chip Select framing as well as clock Idle framing and user-specified number of bits per frame.
Supports MOSI and MISO data
RS-232/422/485/UART (optional) Trigger on Rx or Tx start bit, stop bit or data content or parity error
I²S (optional) Trigger on 2’s complement data of audio left channel or right channel (=, ≠, <, >, > <, < >, increasing value, or
decreasing value)
CAN (optional) Trigger on CAN (controller area network) version 2.0A,2.0B, and CAN-FD (Flexible Data-rate) signals. Trigger on
the start of frame (SOF), the end of frame (EOF), data frame ID, data frame ID and data (non-FD), data frame ID
and data (FD), remote frame ID, remote or data frame ID, error frame, acknowledge error, from error, stuff error,
CRC error, spec error (ack or form or stuff or CRC), all errors, BRS Bit (FD), CRC delimiter bit (FD), ESI bit active
(FD), ESI bit passive (FD), overload frame., message, message and signal (non-FD), message and signal (FD, first
8 bytes only)
LIN (optional) Trigger on LIN (Local Interconnect Network) sync break, sync frame ID, or frame ID and data, parity error,
checksum error, frame (symbolic), frame and signal (symbolic)
CXPI (optional) Trigger on the start of frame (SOF), the end of frame (EOF), PTYPE, frame ID, data and info frame ID, data and
info frame ID (long frame), CRC field error, parity error, inter-byte space error, inter-frame space error, framing
error, data length error, sample error, all errors, sleep frame, wakeup pulse
FlexRay (optional) Trigger on frame ID, frame type (sync, start-up, null, normal), cycle-repetitive, cycle-base, and errors.
MIL-STD 1553 (optional) Trigger on MIL-STD 1553 signals based on word type (Data or Command/Status), Remote Terminal Address,
data, and errors (parity, sync, Manchester encoding)
ARINC 429 (optional) Trigger on ARINC429 data. Trigger on word start/stop, label, label + bits, label range, error conditions (parity,
word, gap, word or gap, all), all bits (eye), all 0 bits, all 1 bits
SENT (optional) Trigger on SENT bus. start of fast channel message, start of slow channel message, fast channel SC and data,
slow channel message ID, slow channel message ID and data, tolerance violation, fast channel CRC error, slow
channel CRC error, all CRC errors, pulse period error, successive sync pulses error (1/64)
User-definable Manchester/NRZ
Trigger on start-of-frame (SOF), bus value, and Manchester errors
USB PD (optional) Trigger on preamble, EDP, ordered sets, preamble errors, CRC errors, header content (control messages, data
messages, extended messages and value in HEX)