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An uncompromised update rate allows you to see an anomaly, but to continue the debug process you have to isolate it� Setting up a
trigger has been a challenge since oscilloscopes introduced a triggered waveform� While oscilloscopes have added more and more
triggering capability over the years, setting up triggers has remained complex at best and impossible at worst�
Zone touch trigger eliminates the complexity of setting up advanced triggers� Now, if you can see the event on the display of the
oscilloscope, you can trigger on it just by drawing a box on the signal you want to isolate�
See how easy Zone touch triggering can be with these examples�
Traditional Scopes with Advanced Triggers
(assuming the update rate is fast enough to see
what you want to trigger on):
1� Determine what trigger makes the most sense for the
signal you are trying to isolate� In this case, we’ll try a
rise-time trigger first
2� Select cursors
3� Move cursor a to 10% level
4� Move cursor b to 90% level on the non-monotonic
5� Obtain the delta time (rise time) between the cursors
6� Select trigger menu
7� Press trigger type
8� Select Rise/Fall time Trigger
9� Select your source
10 Select your slope
11� Select when you want it to trigger – is it less than,
greater than, equal to, not equal to� We’ll select greater
12 Dial in the “greater than” setting to the measured rise
13 Adjust your low threshold to the 10% level
14 Adjust your high threshold to the 90% level
Steps to isolate a non-monotonic edge:
3000T X-Series:
Draw box on non-monotonic edge
Select “must intersect
In some cases you may have to select the appropriate source if
it wasn’t already selected�
Discover: Industry Exclusive Zone Touch Trigger Makes Triggering Simple