User Manual

Chapter 4 KV-D20 Operator Interface Panel
Visual KV
Device attribute display setting [DM1680 (first line) through DM1699 (20th line)]
The KV-D20 allows the display of devices with desired attributes.
When no attributes are specified, the initial setting is used.
The following 10 attributes can be specified using hexadecimal numbers for each
* 0 is initial setting.
Decimal point position (Bits 0 to 3) [Initial setting: 0 (No decimal point)]
Specify the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
The position of the decimal point can be set within the maximum number of digits
to be displayed. The setting of a larger value is ignored.
When the number of bits is set to 16 bits, the maximum number of digits is 5, so
that the decimal point position can be set between 0 and 5. Values larger than 5
are regarded as 5.
The decimal point is fixed at the specified position.
Values between 0 through 15 can be used (4-bit binary).
If a device has a preset value such as counters and timers, the decimal point is
also set to the preset value at the same position as the current value.
If a device has no numeric values to the left of the decimal point, "0." is dis-
When a decimal point position is specified at the third digit from the right, value
"123" is displayed as "0.123".
Bits: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 876543210
Setting: 1 0100001
$ 10 (A) 1 4 2
* 2 digits are displayed in the right of decimal point.
* 4 digits of spaces are placed in the right of value.
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11t i B noi tatoNlam i c eDlami cedaxeH
21t i B seu l avt ese r ped i h /wohS.seu l avt ese r pwohS.seu l avt ese r ped iH
31t i B gni t tesnoi i sse r ppuso r ezesU
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41t i B
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e l banEel bas i D
4.2 Overview and Operation
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