
Trouble Probable Cause Remedy
Dispiay blinks or fan moves Normal No action required.
stightty when humidifier is
plugged in.
"CHECK FILTER" message Humidistat on power cord is Move power cord away from
does not appear even when ill- being heated, any source of heat or obstruc-
ter is dirty or humidifier perfor- tion.
mance is clearly reduced.
Fan operating stower than Humidifier in "DRY OUT Humidifier automatically
speed registered on digital dis- MODE". switches fan speed to "WHIS-
play. PER" when 'DRY OUT
MODE" message is displayed.
° Filter not dry.Humidifier not shutting off dur-
During "DRY OUT MODE" the
humidifier wilt continue to run
on "WHISPER" speed as
required for up to 2 hours or
until the filter is completely
CAUTmON: Use only 42°14900 EPA Registered Bacteriostat available from Sears
Retail store.
Use of other water treatment products may damage the filter component.
Under no circumstances should you use water treatment products designed for
Roto belt or Ultrasonic humidifiers,