
27© KEMET Electronics Corporation • KEMET Tower • One East Broward Boulevard F3072_SMR • 3/6/2019
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 USA • 954-766-2800 •
Film Capacitors – Metallized Polyphenylene Sulde, Stable +15C High Temperature Capacitor
SMR, 5.0 – 27.5 mm Lead Spacing, 50 – 400 VDC
KEMET Electronics Corporation Sales Offi ces
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The Information is intended for use only by customers who have the requisite experience and capability to determine the correct products for their application. Any
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no obligation or liability for the advice given or results obtained.
Although KEMET designs and manufactures its products to the most stringent quality and safety standards, given the current state of the art, isolated component
failures may still occur. Accordingly, customer applications which require a high degree of reliability or safety should employ suitable designs or other safeguards
or property damage.
Although all product–related warnings, cautions and notes must be observed, the customer should not assume that all safety measures are indicted or that other
measures may not be required.
KEMET is a registered trademark of KEMET Electronics Corporation.