
18© KEMET Electronics Corporation • KEMET Tower • One East Broward Boulevard C1013_X7R_FT-CAP_SMD 11/8/2018
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 USA • 954-766-2800 •
Surface Mount Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitors (SMD MLCCs)
Flexible Termination System (FT-CAP), X7R Dielectric, 6.3 – 250 VDC (Commercial Grade)
Tape & Reel Packaging Information
KEMET offers multilayer ceramic chip capacitors packaged in 8, 12 and 16 mm tape on 7" and 13" reels in accordance with
EIA Standard 481. This packaging system is compatible with all tape-fed automatic pick and place systems. See Table 2 for
details on reeling quantities for commercial chips.
8 mm, 12 mm
or 16 mm carrier tape
180 mm (7.00")
330 mm (13.00")
Anti-static reel
Embossed plastic* or
punched paper carrier.
Embossment or punched cavity
Anti-static cover tape
(0.10 mm (0.004") maximum thickness)
Chip and KPS orientation in pocket
(except 1825 commercial, and 1825 and 2225 Military)
*EIA 01005, 0201, 0402 and 0603 case sizes available on punched paper carrier only.
Bar code label
Sprocket holes
Table 5 – Carrier Tape Con guration, Embossed Plastic & Punched Paper (mm)
EIA Case Size
Embossed Plastic Punched Paper
7" Reel 13" Reel 7" Reel 13" Reel
Pitch (P
)* Pitch (P
01005 – 0402 8 2 2
0603 8 2/4 2/4
0805 8 4 4 4 4
1206 1210 8 4 4 4 4
1805 – 1808 12 4 4
≥ 1812 12 8 8
KPS 1210 12 8 8
KPS 1812
and 2220
16 12 12
Array 0612 8 4 4
*Refer to Figures 1 and 2 for W and P
carrier tape reference locations.
*Refer to Tables 6 and 7 for tolerance speci cations.
New 2 mm Pitch Reel Options*
Ordering Code
Packaging Type/Options
Automotive grade 7" reel unmarked
Automotive grade 13" reel unmarked
Commercial grade 7" reel unmarked
Commercial grade 13" reel unmarked
* 2 mm pitch reel only available for 0603 EIA case size.
2 mm pitch reel for 0805 EIA case size under development.
Bene ts of Changing from 4 mm to 2 mm Pitching Spacing
Lower placement costs.
Double the parts on each reel results in fewer reel
changes and increased effi ciency.
Fewer reels result in lower packaging, shipping and
storage costs, reducing waste.