User Manual

5.2 Message Types (Advanced Editor)
Message Types select what kind of MIDI message the modline will output (there are also a couple of
other message types, but MIDI is the most common). The following message types are available in the
Advanced Editor:
No message will be output. Good for modlines that are only controlling LED behavior or being
further processed using one of the Modline 1-6 Output sources.
Note Set
Outputs a MIDI note with a specified velocity. A positive value will send a note on message, a value
of 0 will send a note off message. The following options are available when Note Set is selected:
Sets the note number to be output.
Sets the velocity value to be output with the note on messages.
Sets the MIDI channel to output the note messages on.
Note Live
Outputs MIDI notes with a specified velocity. The note number is determined by the values coming
through the modline. The following options are available when Note Live is selected:
Sets the velocity value to be output with the note on messages.
Sets the MIDI channel to output the note messages on.
Outputs values on a specified Control Change (CC) number. The following options are available
when CC is selected:
Sets the CC number to send the messages on.
Appendix 60