Owner manual

KDS Microliter OEM Module
Appendix D: Serial Communication
ratew nnnnn u/u Set withdrawal rate
voli nnnnn uu Set infusion target volume nnnnn is 0 to 9 and uu is units
volw nnnnn u/u Set withdrawal target volume
for p Force setting as percentage p is 0 to 100
prom? queries the software versiona
run? run status
dia? present diameter setting
ratei? infusion rate
ratew? withdrawal rate
del? delivered volume
voli? infusion target volume
volw? withdrawal target volume
dir? current pumping direction
mode? current mode
frc? force setting as a percent
volw nnnnn u/u Set withdrawal target volume
Queries with string response:
LIM Returns “infuse”, “withdraw”, or “False”; indicating limit switchactuation
EMG Returns emergency stop input status (True/False); True = Emergency Stop