
- 1
Please read and comply with these
original instructions prior to the ini-
tial operation of your appliance and store them
for later use or subsequent owners.
Notes about the ingredients (REACH)
You will find current information about the
ingredients at:
Immediate danger that can cause severe
injury or even death.
Possible hazardous situation that could
lead to severe injury or even death.
Possible hazardous situation that could
lead to mild injury to persons or damage to
Use this appliance only as directed in these
operating instructions.
The appliance may only be used for the
cleaning of hard surfaces that are not
sensitive to moisture and polishing op-
The application temperature ranges from
+5°C to +40°C.
The appliance is not suited for the clean-
ing of frozen grounds (e.g. in cold stores).
The appliance may only be equipped with
original accessories and spare parts.
The appliance has been developed for
cleaning floors - floors inside rooms and
roofed areas. With respect to other ap-
plications the usage of alternative
brushes must be checked.
The appliance is not intended for the
cleaning of public traffic routes.
The machine should not be used on
surfaces that are sensitive to pressure.
Please consider the allowed load per
surface unit of the floor. Details of load
per surface unit can be found in the
technical data.
The appliance is not suited for the use
in potentially explosive environments.
The machine should not be used to
suck in inflammable gases, undiluted
acids or solvents.
This includes petrol, thinning agents or
hot oil that can form an explosive mix-
ture when it comes in contact with
sucked air. Do not use acetone, undi-
luted acids and solvents as they are ag-
gressive towards the materials from
which the appliance is made.
Before using the appliance for the first time,
read and observe these operating instruc-
tions and the accompanying brochure:
Safety information for brush cleaning units
and spray-extraction units, No. 5.956-251.
The machine has been approved for use on
surfaces with gradients of up to 10%.
The machine may only be used when
the dirt water tank has been tilted for-
ward and all the lids are closed.
Safety devices serve to protect the user
and must not be rendered inoperational or
their functions bypassed.
Pull the battery plug to put all functions out
of operation immediately.
The safety button switches off the drive mo-
tor with a delay of 1.5 seconds if the opera-
tor leaves his seat when the machine is
The appliance is used for the wet cleaning
or polishing of level floors and to pick up
aqueous solutions.
You can adjust the machine to suit the
cleaning task by modifying the settings
for water quantity, contract pressure
and the speed of the brushes, the quan-
tity of cleaning agent as well as the driv-
ing speed.
A working width of 750 mm or 900 mm
and a capacity of 140 l each of the fresh
and dirt water reservoirs enable an ef-
fective cleaning even when the ma-
chine is used for long duration.
The device is self-moving; the drive mo-
tor is feed by a trough battery.
The batteries can be charged using a
charger connected to a 230 V socket.
Depending on the package type, bat-
tery and charger are included.
The appliance can be equipped with vari-
ous accessories depending on the cleaning
Please request our catalogue or visit us on
the Internet at
Environmental protection EN - 1
Symbols in the operating in-
EN - 1
Proper use EN - 1
Safety instructions EN - 1
Function EN - 1
Device elements EN - 2
Start up EN - 4
Operation EN - 5
Charger, pack model EN - 8
Transport EN - 8
Storing the device EN - 8
Maintenance and care EN - 8
Troubleshooting EN - 9
Warranty EN - 11
Accessories and Spare Parts EN - 11
Technical specifications EN - 13
CE declaration EN - 14
Environmental protection
The packaging materials are re-
cyclable. Please do not throw
packaging in the domestic waste
but pass it on for recycling.
Old units contain valuable recy-
clable materials. Batteries, oil
and similar substances may not
be released into the environ-
ment. Therefore please dispose
of old units through suitable col-
lection systems.
Symbols in the operating
Proper use
Safety instructions
Safety Devices
Battery plug/ Emergency-stop
Safety button
18 EN