Owner's Manual

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Accessories BR 55/40 RS
Description Part no.: Description Piece Machine
Brush roller, white (soft) 4.762-409.0 For cleaning slightly dirtied or sensitive floors. 1 2
Brush roller, red (medium, standard) 4.762-393.0 For all floors. 1 2
Brush roller, hard (green) 4.762-411.0 Hard, for severe contamination and basic cleaning;
only suitable for insensitive floor coverings.
Brush roller, black (very hard) 4.777-412.0 Very hard, for extreme contamination and basic
cleaning; only suitable for insensitive floor cover-
Brush roller, high/low (medium hard-
4.762-410.0 Medium hardness, to clean structrued floors and
deeper grouts.
Pad roller shaft 4.762-415.0 For intake of roller pads. 1 2
Pad, soft, yellow 6.369-732.0 For polishing floors. 1 2
Pad, medium soft, red 6.369-734.0 For cleaning slightly dirtied floors. 1 2
Pad, hard, green 6.369-733.0 For cleaning normal to heavily dirtied floors. 1 2
Rubber lips of vacuum bar 6.273-294.0 1 set 1 set
Accessories BD 50/40 RS
Description Part no.: Description Piece Machine
Disk brush, blue (medium, standard) 8.600-042.0 For cleaning slightly dirtied or sensitive floors. 1 1
Disk brush, grey (hard) 8.600-043.0 For cleaning heavily dirtied floors. 1 1
Driver plate 8.600-041.0 For intake of pads. 1 1
Rubber lips of vacuum bar 8.634-020.0 1 set 1 set
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