The following marks are used to indicate...
: Built-in CD player operations.
: External CD changer operations.
: External USB memory operations.
: Indicator displayed for the
corresponding operation.
How to use the M MODE button
If you press M MODE, the unit goes into functions mode,
then the number buttons and
5/ buttons work as
different function buttons.
Ex.: When number button 2 works as
MO (monaural) button.
To use these buttons for their original functions
again after pressing M MODE, wait for 5 seconds
without pressing any of these buttons until the
functions mode is cleared or press M MODE again.
Detaching the control panel
Attaching the control panel
Control panel — KD-G632/KD-G631 ....... 4
Remote controller —
RM-RK50 ........... 5
Getting started ................................ 6
Basic operations ................................................... 6
Radio operations ............................. 7
FM RDS operations ........................... 8
Searching for your favorite FM RDS programme
... 8
Disc / USB memory operations ........... 11
Playing a disc in the unit ..................................... 11
Playing discs in the CD changer ........................... 11
Playing from a USB memory ................................ 11
Sound adjustments .......................... 14
General settings — PSM .................. 15
DAB tuner operations ....................... 18
iPod/D. player operations ................. 19
Other external component operations
... 21
Maintenance ................................... 22
More about this unit ........................ 23
Troubleshooting .............................. 26
Specifications .................................. 29
For safety...
Do not raise the volume level too much, as this will
block outside sounds, making driving dangerous.
Stop the car before performing any complicated
Temperature inside the car...
If you have parked the car for a long time in hot or cold
weather, wait until the temperature in the car becomes
normal before operating the unit.
Dup% ap%sarea tastei , ap%sa#i urm%toarele taste pentru a...
ONE RPT (Repetã o piesã): Func#ioneaz% la fel ca op#iunea „Repeat One” a
iPod-ului sau modul “Repeat Mode One”
al D-player-ului.
ALL RPT (Repetã toate piesele): Func#ioneaz% la fel ca op#iunea „Repeat ALL” a
iPod-ului sau modul “Repeat Mode All” al
ALBM RND* (Redare aleatorie a albumelor):
Func#ioneaz% la fel ca op#iunea „Shuf' e Albums”
(Redare aleatorie a albumelor) a iPod-ului.
SONG RND/RND ON: Func#ioneaz% la fel ca op#iunea „Shuf' e Songs”
a iPod-ului sau modul“ Random Play On”
al D-player-ului.
• Pentru a anula redarea repetat% sau redarea în ordine aleatorie, selecta#i “RPT OFF” sau “RND OFF.”
iPod: Disponibil! doar dac! a$i selectat op$iunea “ALL” (Toate) pentru „ALBUMS” (Albume) în meniul principal.
Func#ionarea altor componente externe
Continued on the next page
After pressing
, press the following buttons to...
ONE RPT: Functions the same as “Repeat One” of the iPod or “Repeat Mode
= One” of
the D. player.
ALL RPT: Functions the same as “Repeat All” of the iPod or “Repeat Mode
= All” of the
D. player.
ALBM RND*: Functions the same as “Shuffle Albums” of the iPod.
SONG RND/RND ON: Functions the same as “Shuffle Songs” of the iPod or “Random Play
= On” of
the D. player.
To cancel repeat play or random play, select “RPT OFF” or “RND OFF.”
* iPod: Functions only if you select “ALL” in “ALBUMS” of the main “MENU.”
Listening to the other external components
You can connect an external component to:
CD changer jack on the rear of this unit using the following adapters:
Line Input Adapter, KS-U57
AUX Input Adapter, KS-U58
Make sure “EXT IN” is selected for the external input setting, see page 45.
LINE IN terminals on the rear of this unit.
~ Select “EXT IN” or “LINE IN.”
Ÿ Turn on the connected component and start playing the source.
! Adjust the volume.
Adjust the sound as you want (see pages 41 and 42).
Change the display information
Schimba"i informa"iile de pe display.
Pute#i conecta o component% extern% la ...
• mufa schimb%torului de CD-uri situat% în partea posterioar% a aparatului cu ajutorul urm%toarelor
Adaptorul intr$rii linie, KS-U57
Adaptorul intr$rii auxiliare, KS-U58
Asigura#i-v% c% a#i selectat op#iunea „EXT IN” pentru setarea intr%rii externe, vezi pagina 45.
• Mufele LINE IN din partea posterioar% a acestui aparat.
Selecta"i “EXT IN” sau “LINE IN.”
Porni"i componenta conectat$ #i începe"i redarea sursei.
Regla"i nivelul volumului.
Regla"i sunetul în func"ie de preferin"e (vezi paginile 41 #i 42).
Continuare pe pagina urm!toare