Product Manual

Thank you !
For ordering a JENNY®. Jenny has been a manufacturer of high quality equipment since 1929.
Special attention has been given to every detail of engineering design, perfection of manufacturing
methods, individual part inspection, and thorough testing upon completion to assure the continuous
trouble-free operation of your Jenny.
In short, your Jenny was designed and made by customer-minded workers. If you, for any reason,
fail to fi nd that our product serves as you believe it should, you will be doing yourself and us a favor
by telling our Customer Representative, through our Distributor - or direct, just how our product
has failed to please you. Over the years we have found that when troubles are reported by our
customers, both of us profi t. So please help us to serve you properly, which is our fi rst desire.
In the march of progress, engineering and design changes are inevitable, therefore, we reserve
the right to vary our designs and/or specifi cations without implying that they need to be installed on
previous models. If you have occasion to order parts or request information about your Jenny, be
sure to give machine model number, pump model letter or model number and serial number.
You will fi nd this booklet a valuable guide to the proper and safe operation and maintenance of your
new Jenny. It is intended to be used by anyone using or maintaining the equipment. Follow the
instructions carefully and you will assure yourself of the utmost in compressed air effi ciency and