Installation Instructions

Install Blower
Install Blower Cover
1. Locate blower motor cover.
2. Run the blower motor wires with strain relief through
the small opening in the blower motor cover, starting from
the inside and feeding out.
Strain relief
3. Feed blower motor wire through opening and place the
strain relief bracket to the inside of the blower cover. Install
and tighten the two (2) provided #8–18 x 3/8" (9.5 mm)
screws to secure the strain relief bracket.
4. Reposition the blower motor cover retainer spring
as illustrated.
5. Remove paper from the rear of the rectangular felt pad
and apply adhesive side of felt to the bellow ange.
NOTE: This step is important to ensure maximum blower
7. Rotate blower motor cover so the bellows are facing
towards the front of the installation.
8. Move blower motor wire to the front of the installation.
9. Remove the cardboard or hardboard from under the range.
10. Remove the front lower access panel of the range by gently
lifting on the panel then pull outward.
11. Using 2 or more people, gently move the range into its nal
12. Check to ensure the exible metal gas connector and
electrical cord are not kinked. Use a ashlight to look
underneath the bottom of and behind the range.
13. Verify that the anti-tip bracket is installed and engaged.
a. Use a ashlight to look underneath the bottom
of and behind the range.
b. Visually check that the rear range foot is inserted
into the slot of the anti-tip bracket.
14. Rotate blower motor cover so the bellows are in their nal
position. Ensure the rear of the bellow ange is engaged
in the retaining bracket.
6. Apply blower motor cover to the blower. Slightly spread the
cover retainer spring to allow the cover to drop into position
on the blower motor.
NOTE: The blower motor cover will not properly install
if the motor wire is on the top of the motor.
15. Secure the front of the blower bellow ange to the range
frame with the supplied #8–18 x 3/8" (0.95 cm) screw.
Rotate cover
Final position
Strain relief