How to Guide

Wood Double-Hung Windows (JPG010)
The hardware in the side jamb of a single or double-hung window that
is part of the system that allows the window to operate up and down.
Balance Shoe/Clutch
A part of the balance system into which the pivot bar/tilt pin is inserted
Cam Lock
A single-point locking mechanism that uses a “cam” action to lock and
to pull the window sash against the frame forming a tight weather seal;
large windows may have more than one cam lock.
A window with two sashes, upper and lower, that slide vertically past
each other.
The vertical frame members of a window or door assembly.
Jamb Liner
This is the component that covers the inside surface and side jambs of
awindow, containing the balance components that offset the weight of
the sash to allow for easier operation.
A bracket utilized as a latching point.
Pivot Bar/Tilt Pin
The pins on the bottom corners of single- and double-hung sash that
engage the balance and also allow the sash to “pivot” for easy removal
and reinstallation.
An assembly comprised of stiles (vertical pieces), rails (horizontal pieces)
and the window’s glass and glazing bead.
Tilt Latch
A tilt latch is a mechanism at the end of a window checkrail that allows
a sash to release from the jamb liners and tilt into the structure.
Tilt Window
A double-hung window designed in such a way that the sashes tilt
inward for easy cleaning of the outside of the glass.
A strip of material that covers the joint between two separate parts of
a window or patio door and is used to prevent rain, snow, and cold air
from entering.