User Guide

The interface should look like this:
If you have not done so, Connect to your Lemur and test it out. As you change the
Faders, the physical modelling properties of the two Areas change.
Let’s examine how this Project works.
Click on the Andy object in the JazzEditor to select it. Click the Behavior tab in the
Properties view.
Properties for the Area object named Andy
Instead of constant values for Friction and Attraction, this object uses the x variables of
the two Fader objects (named Frict and Attract). Thus, whenever you change a fader, the
behavior properties of the Multiball objects change.
Scaling Output with Expressions
In the next example, we’ll use some of the Lemur’s built-in mathematical functions to
produce values that will directly control some signal processing in a Max/MSP patch.
Now, it’s certainly true that we could do this scaling fairly easily in Max, but the Lemur