User Guide

You can also resize the Project Browser by dragging the area that separates it from the
Properties area and the Interface editing area.
Or click the Maximize/Minimize button at the top of the JazzEditor window to fill the
size of the entire display.
Saving Your Project
To save your project, click the Save button.
(For those of you slightly younger computer users out there who might be wondering, the
icon represents a 3.5” floppy disk. What’s a floppy disk? Oh never mind.)
A standard save file dialog appears, prompting you to save your file. The default name is
Untitled.xml. Your file must end in .xml in order for it to be opened with the JazzEditor.
Project files are stored in XML format. If you know a little about XML, it will not be
difficult for you to figure out how to make changes to the file in its textual form.
However, if you don’t know what you are doing, you could easily corrupt your Project,
so it may be best to experiment with a duplicate copy of the Project file.
More About the Lemur – JazzEditor Relationship
The relationship between the Project you are editing in the JazzEditor, what is saved on
the hard drive of your computer, and what is currently in the Lemur is potentially
confusing. The JazzEditor software attempts to be somewhat intelligent about managing
this relationship, but its ideas about the matter might be different from yours.