Use and Care Manual

Rotate cushions and pillows weekly to distribute wear. Vacuum
upholstery weekly using the upholstery attachment and crevice
tool of your vacuum to remove loose particles.
Periodiccleaning bya professionalupholstery cleaningservice
istheonly recommendedcleaning methodfor your upholstery,
including furniture base beneath slipcovers. Annual cleaning
is suggested, but this may vary depending on use.
To prevent possible “bleeding” of inkonto fabric, do not leave
newspapersor other printed materials lying on upholstery.
Take special care when spraying household chemicals and
commercial products nearupholstery.
Avoidplacingyour furniture in directsunlight. Allfabricandleather
will fade overtime.
Applyingnoncommercialscentedfabricfresheners, neutralizers
and fabric protectors is never recommended.
Spills and Spot Cleaning
In some cases, spot cleaning can cause a ring or fading. It is best
tohavethe entire piece or cushion casing cleaned by aprofessional
upholstery cleaningservice toensure uniform results. If youdecide
to spot clean on your own, check the standard cleaning code
(below) to determine the correct type of product to use.
whitecloth. Blot from theoutside tothe middleof the affectedarea
to preventrings.
Pilefabricsmay requirebrushing withanonmetallic, stiff bristle
brush to restoreappearance.
Follow the cleaning code below. Always pretest cleaning agents
in a small inconspicuous area. Never use strong chemicals or
Standard Cleaning Codes
Industry standard cleaning codes indicate the correct cleaning
method based on the type of fabric. To determine the cleaning
codefor your upholstery, please ask your store associate or refer
to your salesreceipt.
O: Spot clean in cold water using biodegradable detergent or
eco-friendly soap; air dry. Organic dry cleaning is also
W:Spotclean using distilled waterandwater-basedcleaning
agents or foamonly.
S:Spotcleanwithmild,water-freecleaningsolvents only. Do not
use water or dry clean.
SW:Spotcleanusingdistilledwaterand water-basedcleaning
agents, foam or mild water-free cleaning solvents.
X:Vacuumorlightlybrushto removeoverallsoil.Neverusewater,
foam or liquid cleaning agents.
Note:Forprewashedfabricsupholstered onto the frame, follow
the S cleaningcode.
Brush or vacuum at least once a month. Rotate cushions and
pillowsregularly.Protectfromdirectsunlight, whichmaycause
fabric to fadeunevenly.
Immediately blot spills with a clean white cloth.
Seat and back cushions should be reversed and/or rotated regularly.
Dry Clean-Only Slipcovers
Use a reputable dry cleaner or professional upholstery cleaner.
Alwaysdry clean the entire slipcover for uniform results. Close all
zippersand fabrictab fasteners prior to cleaning. As withclothing,
some fading is to be expected.
Machine-Washable Slipcovers
Always wash the entire slipcover for uniform results. Close all
zippers and fabric tab fasteners prior to washing.
Wash in cold water with mild detergent.
reduce wrinkling.
Donotline-dry slipcovers asthis may stretchthefabric.
As with clothing, some fading is to be expected.
Clean periodically with a drycloth to remove residual dust and
prevent dirt buildup.
Leatherfurnitureshouldbe protectedfromexposureto sunlightand
heat,whichmaycausetheleatherto fadeor loseitssoft, supplefeel.
Spots, Spills and Stains
Mostliquids will initiallybe repelled by the leather but if left
standingover an extendedperiod of time, will be absorbed.
Blot liquid immediately with a clean, absorbent cloth.
Butter,oil or grease spills shouldbe wipedwith a clean, dry cloth.
Spot should dissipate into the leather in a short period of time.
Forstubbornstains and spills, use a clothlightly dampened with
warmwatertoblotthe stain andremove it. If this doesnotwork,
mix mild soap with water, then blot to releasethe stain and blot
again with a dry cloth (avoid scrubbing).
Do not use harsh cleaners or solvents, as they canabrade the
finish or topcoat off the leather.
Foradditionalleather care,pleasecontactaleathercleaning