User's Manual

Scorpius KIV (P) & Lynx KIV (p) SPECIFICATIONS
Setup Guide
Reset ID before using
Step 1:
Connect the receiver to your computer
Step 2:
Push the CONNECT button on the receiver.
Step 3:
Push the button on the back of the mouse (in upper left corner).
Please note that this step must be completed after S
tep 2 within 8
Step 4:
Move pointer,w he n the receiver and the mouse are connected
, the
LED will blink , the setting has been completed.
Step 5:
Please go back to Step 2 if the LED does not behave as that in
Step 4.
Step 6:
Push the CONNECT button on the receiver.
Step 7:
Push the button on the back of the keyboard (in upper left
corner). Please note that this step must be completed after Step 6
within 8 seconds.
Step 8:
Push Space key ,w hen the receiver and the keyboard are
connected, the LED will blink , the setting has been completed.
Note: If same ID is used by other users and causes interference, just
repeat this reset procedure .