User's Manual Part 1

Before You Begin
xvii700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
S Chapter 6 Scanner Support
Provides Automatic Data Collection COM and IImage interfaces and
lists settings via Data Collection parameters.
S Chapter 7 Programming
Programming information that includes creating CAB files, the FTP
Server, Full Screen, Kernel I/O Control Functions, Reboot Functions,
and remapping the keypad.
S Appendix A Control Panel Applets
Contains detailed information about the Data Collection, SNMP, and
Unit Information control panel applets.
S Appendix B Unit Manager
Describes how to configure some parameters via the Unit Manager ap-
plication and includes reader commands.
S Appendix C Bar Codes
Describes some of the more common bar code symbologies and includes
bar code labels that can be scanned to configure your 700 Series Com-
Format Conventions for Input From a Keyboard or Keypad
This table describes the formatting conventions for input from PC or host
computer keyboards and device keypads.
Format Conventions
Convention Description
Shows the command as you should enter it into the device.
Italic text Indicates a variable that you must replace the parameter with a value.
Indicates the keys you must press on a PC or h ost computer key-
board. For example, press
means you press the key labeled
“Enter” on the PC or host computer keyboard.
where This word introduces a list of parameters and explains the values you
can specify for them.