User's Manual

ProgrammingChapter 7
265700 Series Color Mobile Computer User’s Manual
Basic Connect/Disconnect Functions
Below are functions available for the 700 Series Color Computer when
enabled with the 802.11b radio module.
Connects to the available radio. Use this function if you plan on using a
lot of API calls that talk directly to the radio. Note that the 802.11b radio
must be enabled via NDISTRAY before you can connect to it.
Syntax UINT RadioConnect( );
Parameters None.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCE SS when successful, otherwise
Remarks Call this function before you call any other function found within
this API. It hunts out and connects to the 802.11b radio available on
the system. Chec k extended error codes if it returns anything else for
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_RadioConnect)();
UINT RadioConnect();
Call this function when done using the 802.11 API to clean up a
connection from a previous RadioConnect() call. If you do not call this
function, you may leave memory allocated.
Syntax UINT RadioDisconnect( );
Parameters None.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCE SS when successful, otherwise
Remarks None.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_RadioDisconnect)();
UINT RadioDisconnect();