
Datasheet 83
III Processor for the PGA370 Socket at 500 MHz to 1.13 GHz
For the boxed processor fan heatsink to operate properly, it is critical that the airflow provided to
the fan heatsink is unimpeded. Airflow of the fan heatsink is into the center and out of the sides of
the fan heatsink. Airspace is required around the fan to ensure that the airflow through the fan
heatsink is not blocked. Blocking the airflow to the fan heatsink reduces the cooling efficiency and
decreases fan life. Figure 35 illustrates an acceptable airspace clearance for the fan heatsink. It is
also recommended that the air temperature entering the fan be kept below 45
C. Meeting the
processor’s temperature specification is the responsibility of the system integrator. The processor
temperature specification is found in Section 4.0 of this document.
6.3 Electrical Requirements for the Boxed Intel
6.3.1 Fan Heatsink Power Supply
The boxed processor's fan heatsink requires a +12 V power supply. A fan power cable is attached
to the fan and will draw power from a power header on the motherboard. The power cable
connector and pinout are shown in Figure 36. Motherboards must provide a matched power header
to support the boxed processor. Table 41 contains specifications for the input and output signals at
the fan heatsink connector. The fan heatsink outputs a SENSE (open-collector output) signal that
pulses at a rate of two pulses per fan revolution. A motherboard pull-up resistor provides VOH to
match the motherboard-mounted fan speed monitor requirements, if applicable. Use of the SENSE
signal is optional. If the SENSE signal is not used, pin 3 of the connector should be tied to GND.
The power header on the baseboard must be positioned to allow the fan heatsink power cable to
reach it. The power header identification and location should be documented in the motherboard
documentation or on the motherboard. Figure 37 shows the recommended location of the fan
power connector relative to the PGA370 socket. The motherboard power header should be
positioned within 4.00 inches (lateral) from the center of the PGA370 socket.
Figure 35. Thermal Airspace Requirement for all Boxed Intel
III Processor Fan
Heatsinks in the PGA370 Socket