User's Manual
Table Of Contents
you need to create the package on a computer running Windows Vista. You cannot create a
package for Windows Vista on a computer running Microsoft Windows XP*.
Create a New Package
1. At the Tools menu, click Administrator Tool.
2. Enter the Administrator Tool password.
3. Open Administrator Package: Click Create a Windows XP package, or Open an
existing package.
Name Description
Create a Windows XP package
Create a package that can be exported to a
user's computer running Microsoft Windows
XP* operating system. This package allows
export of all 802.1X authentication EAP-type
Pre-logon/Common and Persistent profiles.
Create a Windows Vista
Not Available. To create and export a package
for a computer running on Microsoft Windows
Vista*, you need to create the package on a
computer running Windows Vista. You cannot
create a package for Windows Vista on a
computer running Microsoft Windows XP*.