User's Manual

Connected to <Network name >
Signal: <Excellent>
IP address: <XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX>
Displays when the adapter connects to the named
network. This signal strength is shown. It may range from
Poor to Excellent. The internet protocol address is listed
for this adapter/connection.
Disconnected from: <Network name> Shown anytime a network is disconnected. This includes if
the network was disconnected as a result of the radio
being turned off.
<Network name> is available. Click here to
Shown if one network is available. The same notification
should not be shown over and over. Instead, this
notification should be shown once, and then not shown
again until there is a change in either the number of
networks available or the name of the network that is
# WiMAX networks are available. Click here
to connect.
Shown if two or more networks are available. The same
notification should not be shown over and over. Instead,
this notification should be shown once, and then not
shown again until there is a change in either the number
of networks available or the name of the network that is
Open Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless WiMAX Connection Utility from the
To open Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless WiMAX Connection Utility:
Double-click the Taskbar icon located in the lower right corner of your Windows desktop, or
Right-click the Taskbar icon, and select Configure WiMAX.
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