User manual

13.2.2 Setting IP Addresses
It must be possible to access the IMON-U300 in the LAN under a certain IP
address. You must assign a static IP address for this. You can enter an IPv4 and an
IPv6 address here. The router can configure one or several IPv6 addresses for itself
using SLAAC (StateLess Address AutoConfiguration). If a router with router
advertisement advertises IPv6 address prefixes in the LAN, the router configures
itself another IPv6 address with the advertised prefix in addition to the already
configured IPv6 addresses.
A virtual net address can be assigned to the local network. Devices in the local
network can then be addressed with the virtual address via WAN. The router
replaces the network portion of the virtual IP address with the network portion of
the local network and forwards the packet to the destination.
Configuration via web interface (menu "Basic Settings", page "IP address
In order to configure a static IP address, enter the IPv4 address of the
router in the LAN as well as the netmask.
When changing the local IP address, the address range of the DHCP
server will be adjusted to the new network automatically, if the
netmask has not changed. The DHCP server will be disabled with a
changed netmask and must be configured manually. This is indicated
in a notification.
The MAC address can be found in the entry fields for the IP address and
the network mask under "MAC address" on this page.
Check the checkbox "Retrieve IPv6 address automatically (SLAAC)" that
the router configures one or more IPv6 addresses automatically.
Enter the IPv6 address of the router in the LAN into the entry field "IPv6
address" or select the link "Generate new ULA" to generate a ULA
(Unique Local Address).
In order to assign a virtual net address to the local network, check the
checkbox "Activate netmapping" and enter the net address (i.e. the
whole IP range) into the "Virtual net address" field (e.g.
This virtual address is only visible from the WAN or VPN side.
Save your settings by clicking "OK".
If communication is to be restricted to one IP version only (IPv4 or
IPv6) due to reasons of security, no IP address must be entered here
for the version to be blocked.
If IPv6 is to be blocked, SLAAC and the router advertiser must also be
If IPv4 is to be blocked, DHCP server and client must be disabled.
Moreover, the firewall for the IP version to be blocked must be
activated and all firewall rules must be modified such that they do not
permit any data traffic of this IP version.