Product Info

Browsing Your History and Records18
Extended bolus events
A Bolus icon and banner indicate an extended bolus event:
An Extended Bolus started banner marks the time when the immediate
bolus has nished and the extended bolus begins. In addition to the start time
of the bolus, the banner lists the number of units extended and the duration of
the extension.
An Extended Bolus completed banner marks the end of the extended bolus.
An Extended Bolus canceled banner marks the cancellation of an extended
bolus and states the amount of the bolus that was actually delivered.
When the Pod has not conrmed a bolus delivery
Aer you conrm the amount of a bolus that you want delivered, a bolus
instruction is sent to your Pod. When the Pod completes delivery, it sends a
conrmation to the Omnipod 5 app that the bolus was delivered.
Before the Omnipod 5 app receives conrmation from the Pod that
the bolus has been delivered, the Omnipod 5 app estimates the amount
delivered. During this time, the History screens use a gray exclamation
icon to indicate that the bolus is estimated.
In most cases, once the Omnipod 5 app and Pod are back in range, the
Pod conrms the bolus delivery. However, in rare cases, the Pod is unable
to conrm bolus delivery due to a communication error. If you tap the
DISCARD POD option in this situation, the History screens use a yellow
exclamation icon to mark the bolus as “unconrmed."
If a Pod is discarded with an unconrmed bolus, the basal and total insulin
amounts for that day are also marked as unconrmed with dashes and a yellow
exclamation icon. e listed bolus amount includes the amount that was
scheduled for delivery up until the Pod was discarded.
Carbs details
A carbs icon ( ) is displayed next to carbohydrate entries used by the Bolus
Calculator. Tapping the row displays a note about whether the carbs were from the
Food Library or entered manually.
Effective Date: 22DEC2020, PCO-000267