Installation Guide

1. Make sure the wall where you want to install the SpeedTiles is CLEAN and SMOOTH.
2. To get the best possible results, spread the tiles in front of you and arrange them
to nd the most pleasing layout.
3. ADHESION PRO TIP: Fill an empty spray bottle with water (500ml–750ml)
and add 1 to 2 teaspoon(s) of soft dishwashing soap.
4. Find where the counter is the highest and draw a level line over it.
This is your guide to install the rst row of tiles.
5. When installing the tiles, remove the backing paper Inoxia from the back side of
the tile (pre-cut if required).
Spray a SMALL amount of the water-detergent mix onto the adhesive and spread
it with your hand over the whole surface. Adding this liquid delays bonding and
allows you to perfectly adjust the tile on the wall.
6. Once the tiles are positioned, use a grout oat to press the tiles into place (or a
perfectly smooth and clean plank, as well as a rubber hammer to gently tap the
whole surface).
7. For a pro nish, you can use a silicone of your choosing.
How to cut SpeedtileS?
Use a table saw, miter saw, large utility knife, wood chise, etc.
How to
install Metal

Summary of content (2 pages)