User's Manual

Bakin g
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Scones Yes 210/220 10-15 mins
Small Cakes No 170/180 20-25 mins approx
Victoria Sandwich No 160/170 20-30 mins
Sponge Sandwich (Fatless) Yes 180/190 15-20 mins
Swiss Roll Yes 190/200 10-15 mins
Semi-rich Fruit cakes No 140/150 60-75 mins
Rich Fruit Cakes No 130/140 Depending on size
Shortcrust Pastry No 190/200 Depending on use
Puff Pastry No 190/200 Depending on use
Yorkshire Pudding Yes 180/190 30-45 mins
Individual Yorkshire Pudding Yes 190/200 20-45 mins
Milk Pudding No 130/140 90-120 mins
Baked Custard No 140/150 35-45 mins
Bread Yes 200/210 20-30 mins
Meringues No 90 180-240 mins
Oven Temperature
Charts - Baking
Baking TopOvenConvectionCooking
Food Pre-heat T emperature°C Timeinmins. PositionfromBaseofOven
Scones Yes 210/220 10-15 mins 3
Small Cakes Yes 180/190 20-25 mins 3
Victoria Sandwich Yes 170/180 20-30 mins 3
Sponge Sandwich (Fatless) Yes 180/190 20-25 mins 3
Swiss Roll Yes 200/210 10-15 mins 3
Semi-rich Fruit cakes Yes 150/160 7 inch 60-75 mins 2
Rich Fruit Cakes Yes 140/150 Depending on size 2
Shortcrust Pastry Yes 190/200 Depending on recipe 3
Puff Pastry Yes 200/210 Depending on recipe 2
Yorkshire Pudding Yes 190/200 30-40 mins 1 or 2
Individual Yorkshire Pudding Yes 200/210 20-30 mins 1 or 2
Milk Pudding Yes 140/150 90-120 mins 3
Baked Custard Yes 150/160 40-50 mins 2
Bread Yes 200/210 30-40 mins 1 or 2
Meringues Yes 100 150-180 mins 3
Note: If soft tub margarine is being used for cake making, we would recommend using the all in one
method and to reduce the temperature by 10°C. Temperatures recommended in this chart refer to cakes
made with block margarine or butter only.