Tech Lowdown

With a great circuit comes great components
With some serious boutique audio components behind a circuit design that uses trickle down tech from its
ultra-fidelity AMR PH-77 and iFi iPhono siblings, from the moment you lower the needle, you will be
immersed, playing just one more album into the wee, small hours.
Works with any cartridge
With MM/MC, high/low and very low, the ZEN Phono is able to handle just
about any cartridge. From 36dB all the way up to 72dB. So, as your vinyl
system grows over time, the ZEN Phono will keep easily keep up.
Balanced circuit design
Balanced circuits are just not seen at this price point. It is a superior method
to the traditional single-ended circuit approach. Balanced circuits reduce
noise and crosstalk. Less Interference clearer sound.