Operation Manual

Sewing Mode
Adjust the entire stitch program
Adjustments that affect the whole program and not just
single stitches, are done in Sewing Mode. Press the PROG
button, Start/Stop button or step on the foot control to leave
Programming Mode and switch to Sewing Mode. In Sewing
Mode you can adjust the width and length or mirror the whole
There are a few things you need to know when adjusting the
stitch program in Sewing Mode:
The adjustments you make to the program in Sewing Mode can
be saved to My Stitches. However, these adjustments cannot
be brought back to Programming Mode. If you have made
adjustments in Sewing Mode and press the PROG button to go
back to Programming Mode, these adjustments will be cancelled.
This will also happen if you load a saved program from My
Stitches to Programming Mode.
If you have programmed a STOP, FIX or Selective Thread Cut*
and mirror the program end to end*, the commands will change
positions just as the stitches. This might not give the result you
Sew out the stitch program
When you are done with your program press the My Stitches
button to save it (see next page) or, if still in Programming Mode,
press the PROG button, Start/Stop button or step on the foot
control to switch to Sewing Mode.
Once you are in Sewing Mode and step on the foot control the
machine will sew out your stitch program. The program will be
sewn continuously if no STOP is programmed. Press the STOP
button to sew your stitch program only once.
It is possible to start sewing at any stitch in the program. Use the
left/right arrow buttons to step through the program in Sewing
*Only on model 30
Sewing Mode