
2 Touch Audio control and turn on the Audio control switch. You can then:
l Say "cheese" to take a photo.
l Set the camera to take a photo when the ambient noise reaches a certain decibel level.
3 Frame the scene you want to capture. The camera will take a photo automatically when you
issue a voice command or the camera detects a loud sound.
Launching the camera from Gallery
1 Open Gallery.
2 Go to the Photos tab and swipe down to display the viewfinder in half screen mode. Swipe
down again to launch the camera.
Not all camera features are available in half screen mode.
3 Select the desired shooting mode. For more information, see Shooting modes.
4 Touch to take a photo.
5 Touch Return to return to Gallery.
Object tracking
Use object tracking when taking photos of moving subjects, such as people or animals. The
camera will automatically focus on the moving subject to ensure that your image stays in focus.
Object tracking mode and smile capture cannot be used at the same time.
1 Open Camera. Swipe left on the screen to access the camera settings.
Camera and Gallery