
LTE Outdoor CPE B2338-168 Product Description
5 Services and Applications
Issue Draft A (2016-08-01)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 5-2 Enterprise VPN protocol stack
5.5 IP Pass-Through
The LTE CPE obtains the WAN IP address and passes it through to the PC, and then the PC
can directly use the WAP IP address.
5.6 Multi-APN
The B2338-168 supports establishment and maintenance of three APNs. These three APN
connections isolate data, voice, and remote management services on an operator's network.
The B2338-168 supports an independent APN for both CPE internal VoIP and external IAD
under the IMS/NGN/SBC condition.
Figure 5-3 CPE with RJ11