Cluster Extension Solution Implementation Service

Data sheet
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Table 1. Service features
Feature Delivery specifications
A Hewlett Packard Enterprise service specialist will plan all the necessary activities, providing:
1. Requirements identification for solution prerequisite assistance
2. Leveraging additional services and products already available today
3. Provide a Statement of Work (SOW) which will include a Customized delivery plan
4. Conduct an orientation session on CLX product usage and special features and will be available to answer questions, as
Data Collection and analysis
Services Deployment
Delivery Plan
Briefing Session
Service planning
Service deployment activities include:
Reviewing the engagement with the Customer using the pre-delivery checklist
Performing an assessment of the service to determine compatibility and deployment design aligned with the needs agreed upon
with the Customer
Reviewing the service with the Customer to verify its compatibility with the Customer’s environment
A completed SOW is developed, which includes the Hewlett Packard Enterprise service specialist's findings and recommendations, a
graphical representation of detailed installation and array configuration information.
Service deployment
Hewlett Packard Enterprise will run the appropriate installation verification tests required for this service.Installation verification tests (IVT)
Upon completion of the installation, the Hewlett Packard Enterprise service specialist will conduct an orientation session on product
usage and special features and will be available to answer questions, as appropriate.
Customer orientation session
Service limitations
Any services not clearly specified in this document or the associated Statement of Work
Application integration or integration of third-party products or peripherals not included with the system
Service eligibility
The Customer's existing computing operating system platform(s) must be supported by and be compatible with the HPE CLX product(s)
being installed.
The Customer's Storage environment must be fully operational in a configuration supported by CLX, and connectivity must be available and
Customer responsibilities
The Customer will:
Contact a Hewlett Packard Enterprise service specialist within 90 days of date of purchase to schedule the delivery of the service
Ensure that all service prerequisites as identified in the 'Service eligibility' section have been met
Assign a designated person from the Customer's staff who, on behalf of the Customer, will grant all approvals; provide information; ensure that
all hardware, firmware, and software that the Hewlett Packard Enterprise service specialist will need in order to deliver this service are available
and that software products are properly licensed; and otherwise be available to assist HPE in facilitating the delivery of this service
This data sheet is governed by the Hewlett Packard Enterprise current standard sales terms, which include the supplemental data sheet, or, if applicable, the Customer’s purchase agreement with Hewlett
Packard Enterprise.