Technical information
System Specifications
8 English
If a standard AGP (Accelerated Graphic Port) card is installed in the
AGP PRO slot, the maximum power consumption for the PCI accessory
and AGP slot must not exceed 75 W.
If an AGP PRO card (
>25 W and ≤50 W) is installed, then the PCI slot 1
is made inaccessible as defined in the AGP PRO specification (PCI slot
must be left unoccupied to provide its sources in terms of cooling and
electrical power to the AGP PRO card.
The AGP PRO slot is a Universal-type connector which provides power
through 3.3 V, 12 V or 5 V power rails with a maximum allocated power
consumption of 50 W. If this power consumption is exceeded, MaxiLife
reports an error and prevents the PC Workstation from powering on.
It provides an AGP 4x interface which is fully compliant with the AGP
specification revision 2.0. The universal AGP PRO slot supports AGP
1x and 2x modes (uses 3.3 V or 1.5 V signals), and AGP 4x mode
(1.5 V signalling).
AGP Video Card
1. AGP PRO video cards are supported up to 50 W.
Supported operation
in the Universal AGP
PRO Slot
1.5 V Universal 3.3 V
≤ 25 W ≤ 50 W ≤ 25 W ≤ 50 W ≤ 25 W ≤ 50 W
2. With or without sideband addressing.
yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes no no
PCI-type yes yes yes yes yes yes