Software Manual

Access XP Journal pair's secondary data volume must be the secondary data volume at the
Continuous Access XP Journal secondary site.
b. If the Continuous Access XP Synchronous pair's primary/secondary relationship is reversed
(that is, the copy direction is reversed as illustrated in the lower-right portion of Figure 32(
because the primary site is no longer operational), re-create the Continuous Access XP Journal
pair deleted in step 1 via full copy. When you nish re-creating the Continuous Access XP
Journal pair, the system conguration changes from a 3DC multi-target conguration to a 3DC
cascading conguration, and the former Continuous Access XP Synchronous secondary volume
changes to the primary volume.
If you followed step 4a, transfer your business tasks back to the primary site by removing failures
in the primary site and other locations, changing the system to a 3DC multi-target conguration
(see Changing to 3DC multi-target congurations after recovering from primary site failures), and
following the instructions in Transferring business tasks from Continuous Access XP secondary sites to
primary sites (in 3DC multi-target congurations).
If you followed Step 4b, transfer your business tasks back to the primary site by removing failures in
the primary site and other locations, and following the instructions in Transferring business tasks from
Continuous Access XP secondary sites to primary sites (in 3DC cascading congurations).
Continuous Access XP Journal operations requirements and restrictions