Software Manual

When powering off primary arrays
To power off the primary array during remote copy operations, rstensurethatalldatavolumepairsor
mirrors (that is, pairs of journal groups) are split and the status of all data volume pairs is PSUS.
To power off the
primary array, contact your HP account support representative and ask them to power
off the array.
If data volume pairs are split and the primary array is powered off as mentioned above, use the following
procedure to resume remote copy operations:
1. Power on the primary array.
2. If the primary array is ready to resume remote copy operations, restore data volume pairs that were
split, and conrm that the status of the data volume pairs is COPY or PAIR. This operation must be
performed at the primary site.
After taking these steps, remote copy operations resume. The primary array can respond to read journal
commands issued by the secondary array.
To power off the primary and secondary arrays at the same time, see When powering off primary and
secondary arrays at the same time.
If you turn the power off without changing the status of all data volume pairs to PSUS, and then you turn
When powering off secondary arrays
To power off the secondary array during remote copy operations, rstensurethatalldatavolumepairs
or mirrors (that is, pairs of journal groups) are split and the status of all data volume pairs is PSUS.
To power off the secondary array, contact your HP account support representative and ask them
to power off the array.
If data volume pairs are split and the secondary array is powered off as mentioned above, use the
following procedures to resume remote copy operations:
1. Power on the secondary array.
2. If the secondary array is ready to resume remote copy operations, restore data volume pairs that
were split, and conrm that the status of the data volume pairs is COPY or PAIR. This operation
must be performed at the primary site.
After taking these steps, remote copy operations resume. The secondary array can issue read journal
commands to the primary array.
Power management for arrays and network relay devices