Software Manual

Figure 56 P
air Operation pane
Tree: Lists ports in the local array (
). Host groups or iSCSI targets appear below each port. If
you select a port, host group, or iSCSI target, the list displays volumes for the port, host group, or
iSCSI target. You can select only one port, host group, or iSCSI target at one time and cannot
select two or more simultaneously.
Upper-right buttons: The following buttons appear at the upper-right corner of the pane:
Display Filter: Displays the Display Filter pane (Figure 59). Usethispanetonarrow
information in the list, so the list displays only volumes that satisfy certain conditions. For more
information, see Filtering information in the list on the Pair Operation pane.
Snapshot: Saves information about volume pairs in a text le. For more information, see
Saving pair status information to a text le.
Previous: The list can display up to 1,024 volume pairs simultaneously. If the number of
volume pairs exceeds 1,024, use the Previous button to display the previous 1,024 volume
pairs in the list.
Next: The list can display up to 1,024 volume pairs simultaneously. If the number of volume
pairs exceeds 1,024, use the Next button to display the next 1,024 volume pairs in the list.
List: Displays volumes in the local array. One row represents one volume.
By default, information in the list is sorted by the port numbers. For volumes with more than one
path, each path is displayed in a separate row.
The maximum number of rows in the list is 1,024. If the number of volumes exceeds the number of
rows, use the Previous and Next buttons to view information about volumes that do not appear in
the list currently.
Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bar if the information you want to view is hidden and invisible.
Port-G-ID-LUN: Logical volumes in the local array. The icons are:
Volume is not paired
with any other volume. Volume is not a primary or secondary data
Volume is a primary data volume.
Volume is a secondary data volume.
Performing Continuous Access XP Journal pair operations