Software Manual

About this guide
This guide provides information about:
HP StorageWorks Continuous Access XP Journal on HP StorageWorks XP12000 Disk Arrays
HP StorageWorks Continuous Access XP Journal on HP StorageWorks XP10000 Disk Array
Intended audience
This guide is i
ntended for guide is intended for customers and HP-authorized service providers with
Disk array hardware and software
Data process
ing and RAID storage subsystems and their basic functions
Basic Java classes and interfaces
Prerequisites for installing this product include:
Installing the HP StorageWorks disk array(s)
Installing the license key for this product
Related documentation
The follow
ing documents documents provide related information:
HP StorageWorks XP glossary
HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console user guide for XP12000/XP10000/SVS200
HP Storage
Works Business Copy XP user guide for the XP12000/XP10000/SVS200
HP StorageWorks LUN Conguration and Security Manager XP user guide for the
HP StorageWorks LUN Security XP Extension user guide
HP Storag
eWorks Performance Control XP user guide
HP StorageWorks XP Disk/Cache Partition user guide
Hitachi TrueCopy for z/OS user guide
You can nd these documents from the Manuals page of the HP Business Support Center website:
In the St
orage section, click Storage Software and then select your product.
Continuous Access XP Journal user guide