Software Manual

Path Gr. ID: Path group IDs, which are used to identify path groups (that is, groups of logical
paths). Up to eight logical paths can be registered in one path group. This column is blank if
the journal group's attribute is neither Master nor Restore.
CLPR: Displays the CLPR number for the journal group. If more than one JNL volume is
registered in JNL group, the CLPR number of the rst registered JNL volume is displayed. The
rst registered JNL volume is displayed at the top of JNL volume list in JNL Group Detail panel.
CTG: Number of a consistency group to which the mirror belongs. This column is blank if the
journal group does not have any volume pair.
Preset: Detailed information about operations that will occur when you click Apply.
List: Displays changes made in the pane. When you change settings in the pane, changes
appear in the Preset list before the changes are applied to the arrays. If you are sure that
informationinthePreset list is correct, click Apply to apply the settings.
When the Preset listdisplayschangesthathavebeenmade,youcanonlyperformthesametype
of operation that you have been doing, and cannot perform most other operations. You can only
view detailed information about journal groups even when the Preset list displays changes. For
example, if you are trying to delete journal groups and the Preset list displays the journal groups
you want to delete, you cannot perform other operations, such as splitting or restoring mirrors.
Operation: Operation that will occur when you click Apply.
Edit JNL Volumes: Register or delete journal volumes
Change JNL Option: Change journal group options
Delete JNL Groups: Delete journal group
Pairsplit -r: Split a mirror
Pairresync: Restore a mirror
Pairsplit -S:Deleteamirror
Blank: Nothing occurs when you click Apply
Preset: The number to the left of the slash (/) is the number of items displayed in the Preset list.
The number to the right of the slash is the maximum number of items that can be displayed in
the Preset list. For example, if Preset 010/256 appears, you can add another 246 items to
the Preset list.
Apply: Applies settings in the Preset list to the arrays.
Cancel:CancelssettingsinthePreset list.
Information on the Journal Operation pane is updated when you do one of the following:
Select another tab, and reselect the Journal Operation tab.
Click Refresh (
) (top right of Command View XP or XP Remote Web Console pane).
Click Apply.
Select Modify mode when you are in View mode.
Registering journal volumes in journal groups
To perform remote copy operations with Continuous Access XP Journal, the primary site administrator must
register journal volumes in journal groups in the primary array. Also, the secondary site administrator
must register journal volume in journal groups in the secondary array. One journal group can contain up
to 16 journal volumes.
If you are logged onto an XP10000, you can perform this operation only on journal groups that have
Using journal groups