Software Manual

Figure 42 DKC Operation pane, Port option
s channel adapters and ports on the local array.
Channel adapter (Fibre Channel interface)
Target port
RCU target port
Initiator port
External port
Port Initiator/External MIX mode
List: Displays ports on the local array.
Attribute: Port attribute (initiator, target, RCU target, external, or initiator/external).
PCB Mode: Port mode. The mode is either Standard, High,orMIX.
CU#: Currently, displays nothing.
Error Code:Errorcode.
ing port attributes
The admi
nistrator at the primary and secondary sites must congure ports on the primary and secondary
in the following ways:
The administrator at the primary site must congure target ports, initiator ports, and RCU target
ports on the primary array.
The ad
ministrator at the secondary site must congure initiator ports and RCU target ports on
the secondary array.
Ports on the array have the target attribute by default. If you are conguring an array, determine which
ports should be initiator or RCU target ports, and change the ports' attributes from target to initiator or
RCU ta
Continuous Access XP Journal user guide