Owner manual

HP Data Vault User's Guide
HP Media Collector Default Settings
Media Collector is disabled by default. Before Media Collector can begin to copy media to your
HP Data Vault, you must enable the media types you want to collect.
Media Collector copies media files only from computers that are installed as clients on your
Windows Home Server network. For example, if you have a computer that you use only for
gaming and you have not made it part of your Windows Home Server network, this computer is
not available for Media Collection.
Organization Options and Defaults
You can tell HP Media Collector how you want to organize your media on your HP Data Vault.
For example, you can organize media in these ways:
• By date taken, or existing file structure
• Default is existing file structure
• By Artist/Album or existing file structure
• Default is Artist/Album
• By existing file structure
Ignored Directories and Skipped Files
HP Media Collector skips picture files that are less than 45 K in size. Media Collector ignores
some directories for each media. See the list below:
temporary Internet files, My Music folder, windows system directories
temporary Internet files, windows system directories
temporary Internet files, windows system directories, mov files located under My Pictures,