Tips for Locating NonStop Manuals on the HPSC
HPSC replaces the BSC
The HPSC is the go-forward, strategic support portal for HP commercial and enterprise products.
It consolidates many legacy portals, each with a variety of support content. External documentation
had existed in both the HPSC and the Business Support Center (BSC) for several months, and soon
the BSC will be retired.
Access NonStop documentation in one click
The landing page has a direct link to each of the NonStop
documentation collections on the HPSC. Bookmark this landing page link, and bookmark the direct
links to the NonStop documentation collections you use most frequently.
IMPORTANT: These links will only work correctly if your default country has English as the official
language. After you click one if these links, if the country named at the lower left corner of your
browser is not an English language country, you will not see any manuals. See “Finding NonStop
manuals on the HPSC outside of countries where English is the official language” (page 10) if you
need instructions for changing your default country.
Bookmark all of the links associated with collections you use:
• Manuals for J-series:
• Manuals for H-series:
• Manuals for G-series:
• Release and Migration Manuals:
• Safety and Compliance Manuals:
We also have shortcuts to all of the other collections, but there is not a lot of recent content in them:
• Softdocs Pointer:
• Troubleshooting:
• Service Procedures:
• Service Information:
Navigating a collection
After you have directly accessed a collection using one of the shortcuts, you will see the manuals
listed in order of update, with the most recently updated manuals listed first. To sort by title, click
the arrow in the title column once for ascending (numerals then A to Z) order, or twice for
descending (Z to A then numerals) order.
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