Software Instruction Manual

Table 3 Pair Status in 3DC Multi-target Configuration When P-VOL of XP Continuous Access
Journal Delta Resync Pair Is Set as an XP Auto LUN Source Volume
StatusPair Name
PSUS or PAIRXP Continuous Access pair
Any pair status can be acceptableXP Continuous Access Journal pair
HOLD or HLDEXP Continuous Access Journal delta resync pair
Table 4 Pair Status in 3DC Multi-target Configuration When S-VOL of XP Continuous Access
Journal Delta Resync Pair Is Set as an XP Auto LUN Source Volume
StatusPair Name
Any pair status can be acceptableXP Continuous Access pair
PSUSXP Continuous Access Journal pair
HOLD or HLDEXP Continuous Access Journal delta resync pair
To migrate the XP Continuous Access Journal volumes, you must specify the target volumes
that belong to the same CLPR.
CAUTION: When you specify an XP Thin Provisioning virtual volume or an internal volume
that is used for the XP Continuous Access pair as a source volume, see Table 5 (page 19) for
specifying a target volume. The XP Continuous Access pair combination of an internal volume
as a P-VOL and an XP Thin Provisioning virtual volume as an S-VOL is not recommended.
Prevent this XP Continuous Access pair combination from being made after the volume is
Table 5 Target Volumes when the XP Continuous Access Journal Pair Volume is Specified as
a Source Volume
Target volumeXP Continuous Access
Journal pair volume
that is specified as
the source volume
XP Continuous Access Journal pair before
migrating a volume
Can an XP Thin
Provisioning virtual
volume be specified?
Can an internal
volume be specified?
YesYesP-VOLInternal volumeInternal volume
Yes, but this
combination is not
YesYes, but this
combination is not
P-VOLXP Thin Provisioning
virtual volume
Yes, but this
combination is not
YesYesP-VOLInternal volumeXP Thin Provisioning
virtual volume
YesYes, but this
combination is not
P-VOLXP Thin Provisioning
virtual volume
Interoperability with Other Products 19