Software Instruction Manual

Specify the volumes that satisfy these conditions as the source and target volumes. The source
and target volumes must be specified by LDEV ID, not VOLSER or port/TID/LUN.
OPEN-V volumes other than XP Thin Provisioning virtual volumes might not be displayed as
target volumes. If the Inquiry commands are executed on the volumes that are displayed as
OPEN-V in the XP Auto LUN window, the replies from some volumes are OPEN-V and from
other volumes are OPEN-0V. You cannot distinguish OPEN-V volumes from OPEN-0V volumes
in the LDEV list of the XP Auto LUN window. To distinguish between OPEN-V and OPEN-0V
volumes, open the Reports Display dialog box in Remote Web Console.
Volume migration between OPEN-V and OPEN-V is permitted, as well as between OPEN-0V
and OPEN-0V. Volume migration between OPEN-V and OPEN-0V is permissible only when
the volumes are XP Thin Provisioning virtual volumes.
Source volumes. The following volumes cannot be used as source volumes:
Volumes set as command devices (reserved for use by the host)
Volumes that are in an abnormal or inaccessible condition (for example, pinned track,
Volumes used by the HP StorageWorks XP for Compatible Extended Remote Copy (XRC)
Software function
Volumes used by the IBM 3990 Concurrent Copy (CC) host software function
Volumes that have Cache Residency Manager data or Cache Residency Manager for
Mainframe data stored in cache
Volumes used by HP StorageWorks XP Continuous Access Journal Software or Hitachi
Universal Replicator™ for Mainframe as a journal volume
Volumes that are reserved by a migration program other than XP Auto LUN
Volumes on which RAID Manager is performing volume migration operations
Virtual volumes and pool volumes that are used by HP StorageWorks XP Snapshot Software
Pool volumes that are used by XP Thin Provisioning
Volumes being shredded
Volumes on which Quick Format is being performed
System disks
Quorum disks
Hitachi TrueCopy™ for Mainframe: If the status of a TrueCopy for Mainframe volume is
suspended or duplex, and if the status of a TrueCopy Asynchronous for Mainframe volume is
suspended, the volume can be used as a source volume. If not, the volume cannot be used as
a source volume.
When a TrueCopy for Mainframe volume is deleted from the MCU, the status of both
volumes changes to simplex, and both volumes can be used as source volumes.
When a TrueCopy for Mainframe volume is deleted from the RCU, the status of the M-VOL
changes to suspended and the status of the R-VOL changes to simplex, and both volumes
can be used as source volumes.
To migrate TrueCopy Asynchronous for Mainframe volumes, you must specify the target volumes
that belong to the same CLPR.
HP StorageWorks XP Continuous Access Software: If the status of an XP Continuous Access
volume is PSUS, PSUE, or PAIR, and if the status of an HP StorageWorks XP Continuous Access
16 About XP Auto LUN Operations