
Requirements for CFL Extension
Using CFL Extension requires the following:
Remote Web Console program product
Remote Web Console client computers (see “System Requirements” (page 18) for details)
Storage administrators with the following operation privileges:
Storage Administrator role: Enable
Configuration File Loader permission: Modify or View (depending on which command
to execute)
Storage partition administrators cannot perform CFL Extension commands.
JAR file for CFL Extension
A JAR file for CFL Extension is on the RAID Manager CD. See “Installing CFL Extension
(page 120) for instructions on how to install the file.
Java security policy file
You need a file called Java.policy to use CFL Extension. The Java.policy file is on the
RAID Manager CD. See “Changing the Java Security Policy” (page 121) for details.
User authentication file
CFL Extension users must create a user authentication file. When multiple users use CFL
Extension, a user authentication file is required for each user. See “Creating a User
Authentication File” (page 121) for instructions on how to create the file.
Spreadsheet software or a text editor (Microsoft Excel is recommended)
Installing CFL Extension
To install CFL Extension on the Remote Web Console client computer:
1. Create a new directory on the Remote Web Console client computer to store CFL Extension.
2. Insert the RAID Manager CD into the CD-ROM drive (for UNIX, mount the CD).
3. Locate the \Tools\CFL_CLI directory on the CD, and then copy the directory to the newly
created directory.
The newly created directory (referred to as the CFL installation directory) contains the following
files and subdirectories:
\Tools\CFL_CLI\JSanCFL.jar: The CFL Extension JAR file
\Tools\CFL_CLI\java.policy: A Java policy file used for CFL Extension
\Tools\CFL_CLI\sample\: Batch files used for executing commands
\Tools\CFL_CLI\template\: Templates for spreadsheets
Installing JRE with Support for Additional Languages
To use CFL Extension, JRE with support for additional languages is required. You must perform the
following procedure if you choose custom setup and install JRE without support for additional
To install JRE with support for additional languages:
1. Start the JRE installation program (an exe file).
2. If the Security Alert dialog box is displayed, review the displayed information and click Run.
The License Agreement dialog box is displayed.
3. Review the license agreement, select Custom setup, and then click Accept. The Custom Setup
dialog box is displayed.
120 Using the CFL Extension