
Zone Administration
224 Web Tools Version 3.1.x/4.1.x User Guide
Table 58: Zone Tab Field Descriptions
Field Descriptions
Zoning Method This displays the method you have selected to add members
to the Zoning database. Choose the Zoning method in the
View menu. Valid options are:
Mixed Zoning
Port Zoning
WWN Zoning
AL_PA Zoning
The Zoning method determines the information displayed in
the Member Selection List.
Enabled Config This field displays the currently enabled Zone Configuration.
Name Displays existing zones from the drop-down menu.
Create Button Click to create a new zone. A dialog box displays. Enter the
name of the new zone. All zone names must be unique and
must consist of letters, numbers or the underscore character.
Spaces or special characters are not allowed in zone names,
and a name cannot start with a number.
Delete Button Click to delete the zone selected in the Zone Name field.
Deleting a zone automatically removes it from all configs.
Rename Button Click to rename the Zone selected in the Zone Name field. A
dialog box displays in which you can edit the zone name.
Renaming a zone in the zone tab automatically renames it in
all configurations.
Member Selection
Select available items from the Member Selection List.
Zone Members Displays the current members of a zone.
Add Member Button Click to add a member from the Member Selection List to the
Zone Members. You must select a member within the
Member Selection List for this button to become active.
Remove Member
Click to remove a member from the Zone Members list. You
must select a member within the Zone Members list for this
button to become active.