
About this Guide
Web Tools Version 3.1.x/4.1.x User Guide
Conventions consist of the following:
Document Conventions
Text Symbols
Document Conventions
The document conventions included in Table 1 apply in most cases.
Text Symbols
The following symbols may be found in the text of this guide. They have the
following meanings.
WARNING: Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow
directions in the warning could result in bodily harm or death.
Caution: Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow directions
could result in damage to equipment or data.
Table 1: Document Conventions
Element Convention
Cross-reference links Blue text: Figure 1
Key and field names, menu items,
buttons, and dialog box titles
File names, application names, and text
User input, command and directory
names, and system responses (output
and messages)
Monospace font
COMMAND NAMES are uppercase
monospace font unless they are
Variables <monospace, italic font>
Website addresses Blue, underlined sans serif font text: