
Switch Admin Window
110 Web Tools Version 3.1.x/4.1.x User Guide
Table 21: SNMP Field Descriptions
Field Description
SNMP Information
Contact Name Use to display or configure contact information for switch.
Default is Field Support. Valid range of values are from 0 to
255 characters.
Description Use to display or configure system description. Default is
Fibre Channel Switch.Valid range of values are from 0 to
255 characters.
Location Use to display or configure the location of switch. Default is
End User Premise.Valid range of values are from 0 to 255
Trap Level Use to set the severity level of switch events that will prompt
SNMP traps. Default is 0.
Authentication Trap
Check box to enable authentication traps; uncheck box to
disable (disable is recommended).
Community/Trap Recipient Configuration
Note: The fields described below do not display if security is enabled on the switch.
Community String Displays the community strings that are available. A
community refers to a relationship between a group of SNMP
managers and an SNMP agent, in which authentication,
access control, and proxy characteristics are defined. A
maximum of six community strings can be saved to the
switch. Valid range of values is from 2 to 16 characters.
Recipient Displays the IP address of the Trap Recipient. A trap recipient
receives the message sent by an SNMP agent to inform the
SNMP management station of a critical error.
Permissions Displays the Read/Write access of a particular community
string. READ ONLY access means that a member of a
community string has the right to view, but cannot make
changes. READ/WRITE access means that a member of a
community string can both view and make changes.