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SENTRY Users Guide Section 3 - 15
Fitzgerald & Long
The SENTRY Command Protection Report presents an alphabetical listing of all commands protected
through SENTRY's Database Commands program.
SENTRY.COMMANDS.REPORT Command Protection as of 12:16:37 08-08-00
Verbs, Sent, Menu, Group Name User Name Other
PA or PQ Type Description Pathname & Rights & Rights Rights
============== ==== ================= ============== =========== ========= =====
DELETE V Verb to DELETE records /usr/sentry.practice users : U peggy : ALL NONE
from a FILE
root : ALL
adm : ALL lewis : U
lewis1 : U
piadm : ALL
ED V Verb to invoke the /usr/sentry.practice users : U peggy : ALL NONE
Pi/open editor
root : ALL
adm : ALL lewis : U
lewis1 : U
piadm : ALL
MODIFY V Verb to invoke the /usr/sentry.practice piadm : ALL peggy : ALL NONE
cursor control-
dependent data
entry processor
root : ALL
3 records listed.
Figure 40 - This is an example of the Command Protection Report displaying protected commands.
The following paragraphs describe the seven fields displayed on this report. Please refer to the sample
report for an example of each field.
Commands - This is the name of the command as it appears in the VOC of the account. It may be the
name of a verb, sentence, paragraph, PROC, or menu.
Type - This field indicates if the command is a (V)erb, (S)entence, (P)aragraph, (PQ) PROC, or (M)enu.
Note that the examples presented in our report are verbs.
Description - The description field is used for documentation and may be entered through the Database
Maintenance program for Database Commands.
Pathname - This is the pathname of the accounts in which the Command Protection is used.