Services Platform Instruction Manual

GetAllAsyncMirrorGroupsInfo command
GetAllAsyncMirrorGroupsInfo [ -Locality L|R ]
Gets data of all asynchronous mirror groups.
Locality of the returned groups are:
L—Return all local asynchronous mirror groups. Source virtual disk is in the local (current) SVSP
R—Return all remote asynchronous mirror groups. Source virtual disk is in a remote SVSP domain.
Not defined—Return all local and remote asynchronous mirror groups.
GetAllAsyncMirrorTasksInfo command
GetAllAsyncMirrorTasksInfo -Group AsyncMirrorGroupName, -Locality L|R ~
[, -Destination L|R ]
Gets data of all asynchronous mirror tasks belonging to a specified asynchronous mirror group.
The -Group specifies the group to which the specified task belongs and the locality of the group (the
second argument). The Locality is:
L—Local AsyncMirror group. Source virtual disk is in the local (current) SVSP domain.
R—Remote AsyncMirror group. Source virtual disk is in a remote SVSP domain.
The -Destination of the task is:
L—Return all tasks whose destination is the local (current) SVSP domain.
R—Return all tasks whose destination is a remote SVSP domain.
Not defined—Return all tasks whose destination is either local or remote.
GetAsyncMirrorGroupInfo command
GetAsyncMirrorGroupInfo -Group AsyncMirrorGroupName, -Locality L|R
Gets data from an asynchronous mirror group.
Locality of the specified group is:
L—Local asynchronous mirror group. Source virtual disk is in the local (current) SVSP domain.
R—Remote asynchronous mirror group. Source virtual disk is in a remote SVSP domain.
HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform Manager command line interface user
guide 57