Services Platform Instruction Manual

Deletes PiT or snapshot. If the LastInstance flag is used, the preceding snapshot or PiT name is
the root name, and the most recently created snapshot or PiT (with a template name) is the subject of
the command.
GetCreationTime command
GetCreationTime -Template FullNameWithSuffix
Returns PiT or snapshot creation time from its full name (name must have been created using the CLI
with the template flag). The returned time string is according to the local time zone settings and has
the form Wed Jan 02 02:03:55 1980. A 24–hour clock is used.
When a PiT is created using the Template argument, the CLI embeds the time in the created name.
The time is set from the CLI and the GetCreationTime command gets this encrypted time from the
PiT name.
GetSnapshotData command
GetSnapshotData -name SnapshotOrPiTName
Gets snapshot or PiT data on status, source PiT/snapshot, name of PiT defined on this PiT/snapshot
(if any), source virtual disk name, virtual disk group name (if applicable), creation time, cluster support,
the hosts that have permission to it, and so on.
ListPiTsChain command
ListPiTsChain -snapshot SnapshotOrVirtualDiskName
Provides a list of all PiTs defined on the specified virtual disk or snapshot.
ListSnapshots command
ListSnapshots [-Template RootName] [,] [-PiT | -snapshot | -SyncPiT]
HP StorageWorks SAN Virtualization Services Platform Manager command line interface user
guide 37